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예배 방법
1. Take a shallow bow before passing through Torii.
  Walking on the sides of the path, central part is the path for gods.
2. Take a ladle with right hand and scoop a water wash the left hand.
3. Then, shift the ladle to left hand and wash right hand as previous.
4. Scoop water in the left hand and rinse mouth with it.
5. Wash the ladle by scoop a cup of water and hold it vertically.
6. Return the ladle to the original place.
7. Take a shallow bow in front of the hall of worship.
8. Offer a lucky money into the offertory box.
  Avoid throwing the lucky money from a distance.
9. Straighten the back and make two deep bows.
10.Clap hands twice at the breast level.
11. Make one slow deep bow.
12.Walk around the precincts and enjoy amulet purchasing. 
    On the way back, return and make a shallow bow out of Torii.